UA-83438351-1 The Gadget Flow: September 2017 Top  blogs

Thursday, 21 September 2017

The saddle baby carrier will strengthen your bond with your kids

saddle baby shoulder carrier
Exploring different places has never much more comfortable than now, especially with the use of the saddle baby carrier- a device that helps you saddle your baby over your shoulder while you walk around places. With this device, your toddlers will enjoy a pleasurable ride while sitting on your shoulders. The saddle carrier can be used in the park, zoos, even around the neighbourhood, and it does not add any extra pressure on your back or shoulders. 

What makes the saddle baby carrier helpful?

The saddle comes with strong and durable Velcro straps that secure your baby to your back and shoulder safely, make them to be balanced without creating any further pressure with their weight. With the straps, you can also walk around hands-free without the need to hold unto the ankles of your kids. 

There are several reasons you should consider in order to do away with the conventional or traditional child carriers. First of all, such carriers are not designed to be used for a long time, and when you use them for long periods, they can trigger back and shoulder pain, plus you have to hold onto your kids’ ankles all the time. The saddle carrier is designed in such a way that putting your kids on your shoulders become easy and you wouldn’t feel any pressure on you, while your kids wouldn’t even feel any form of discomfort. 

The saddle or seat comes in orange colour, it gives your child a much better view while giving your shoulders a break from stress hence the saddle is designed to give you and your child the best opportunity to enjoy those wonderful moments together. It is your best companion even on busy streets. For more information on the saddle baby carrier, simply click on the link.

Sunday, 10 September 2017

Latest Emoji pillows

In an attempt to perfectly light up any room, office or even a classroom, pillows have now started being designed similarly to the smileys used in the phone emoji keys that we use to make communication appear sweeter than it is, emoji pillows being the latest is a combination of many similes that come in various designs including

 1. Emoji pillow laughing tears-it shows a smile compost of a person who is laughing into tears
 2. Emoji heart eyes which is a simile appearing like a head with red eyes that are heart shaped. Its  yellow coloured and lights up the room, office or a classroom. it’s ideal as a pillow support or as a mere decorator of a room
3. Emoji pillows ilky wink.
4. Emoji face sovering
5. Set of two emoji pillows
6. Emoji large pillow
7. Barry owen small poop emoji pillow
8. Set of three emoji pillows
9. Emoji pillow yellow round cushion

The pillows vary in the appearance as the phone smileys in our mobile phones. However all the emoji pillows are designed with cheese, smiley, eye, laugh, to tears smirking throwing, kiss, tongue, devil, poop smile, sunglass. The cushion is thick.

The cushions are made up of variety of materials including cotton, poly-propene, including many others.

The modern cushions with emoji are now being used extensively and seem to replace the traditional cushions.


According to the size of the pillows they are classified into the

      1. Emoji large pillow solcesovering
      2. Emoji large pillow blushed face
      3. Emoji small pillow sunglasses
      4. Emoji small pillow joy
      5. Emoji large pillow rainbow poop
      6. Emoji large eye roll centicular
      7. Emoji small smilling face
      8. Emoji large smilling face
      9.  Emoji large decorative plush throw large pillow
      10. Emoji small pillow rainbow poop

For more information about Emoji pillows, click this link.